Its made me think perhaps I should do the monthly things myslef and just get somebody to do the end-of-year-thing - it's not just cost, I'd like to be able to do it anyway [ or my spouse will for the market rate come April 2008 ].
Am I right in thinking that the general rules are:
1. From the Invoice Total [ inc VAT ] deduct the VAT due [ FRS ] and put into pot.
2. Next Calculate the salary I want to take [ net ] and calculate the PAYE and put into pot.
3. Calculate "profit" by subtracting the VAT due, PAYE due, Salary being Paid and ALL other "Business Expenses"
4. Determine Corp Tax based on current rate [ 19% ] and put into Pot.
5. Whatever is left can be distributed as Dividend or held in Company Bank A/c
Put all "pot" funds into High Interest a/c.
From that I'll pay the PAYE & VAT online [ which I do currently anyway ] as well as the CT when it becomes due.
Any potential flaws in the above ?
Am I right in thinking that the general rules are:
1. From the Invoice Total [ inc VAT ] deduct the VAT due [ FRS ] and put into pot.
2. Next Calculate the salary I want to take [ net ] and calculate the PAYE and put into pot.
3. Calculate "profit" by subtracting the VAT due, PAYE due, Salary being Paid and ALL other "Business Expenses"
4. Determine Corp Tax based on current rate [ 19% ] and put into Pot.
5. Whatever is left can be distributed as Dividend or held in Company Bank A/c
Put all "pot" funds into High Interest a/c.
From that I'll pay the PAYE & VAT online [ which I do currently anyway ] as well as the CT when it becomes due.
Any potential flaws in the above ?