With my current 3.24 variable rate mortgage about to change, I am thinking It might be a good idea to pay off my mortgage using ltd co. funds at 2% HMRC official interest rate. Everything I have considered indicated this might be the best option which will not result in early repayment charges or mortgage fee on a mortgage I could potentially be rid off under 2yrs. I'm hopping to repay in full within 9 months of year end so S455 is not triggered.
Apart from having to declare the loan in CT600, I am hoping I have not left any other HMRC requirements out. Also what's the best way of calculating (and recording) interest on the account (monthly/daily?) . Any decent spreadsheet out there or just use a mortgage calculator spreadsheet?
Apart from having to declare the loan in CT600, I am hoping I have not left any other HMRC requirements out. Also what's the best way of calculating (and recording) interest on the account (monthly/daily?) . Any decent spreadsheet out there or just use a mortgage calculator spreadsheet?