Hi everyone,
I'm trying to assess the rough cost of doing a MVL. I know it depends of many factors but getting a rough idea and advises would be much appreciated.
I'm with my accountant for more than 2,5 years. I pay them £175+ VAT so £210 every month including all insurances and services.
I'm a contractor in IT using my limited company to trade. I'm using common accountancy services like expense, quarterly VAT return, weekly invoice, monthly payroll, monthly dividend, corporation tax, personal tax, end year account etc...
I'm 100% shareholder, have got 3 small loans, cash in company current account and cash in 2 business saving accounts.
I'm going to stop trading in mid December and my company tax year end is end of March 2021.
So from mid December not a lot is going to happen in my company account and I'll pay in January 2021 the full monthly accountancy fee for December 2020
Accountant fee:
My accountant charges £1000 + VAT so £1200 as part of the MVL fee.
The fee is justified to me by the below work to be done:
Preparation of Form 4.25 Statement of Assets & Liabilities
Preparation, issue, and ultimate submission of liquidation accounts
Preparation, issue, and ultimate submission of final CT600
Preparation and submission of final VAT Return
Liaison with liquidators until final distribution and liquidation completion
To me it sounds expensive and it's also like paying them 6 months of monthly accountancy fees in one shot.
I don't say I shouldn't pay anything and that's obviously easier to handle the MVL with my current accountant rather than appointing someone else but I have the impression it should cost me more like £500 max.
Does this sounds fair?
Liquidator fee
At this stage, I only have a rough estimation of 2k + VAT so £2400 for a "basic service".
Again based on informations I have provided above, any thoughts?
I'm thinking about making various quotes anyway.
Any other recommendations? Any liquidator company to recommend?
Thanks a lot
I'm trying to assess the rough cost of doing a MVL. I know it depends of many factors but getting a rough idea and advises would be much appreciated.
I'm with my accountant for more than 2,5 years. I pay them £175+ VAT so £210 every month including all insurances and services.
I'm a contractor in IT using my limited company to trade. I'm using common accountancy services like expense, quarterly VAT return, weekly invoice, monthly payroll, monthly dividend, corporation tax, personal tax, end year account etc...
I'm 100% shareholder, have got 3 small loans, cash in company current account and cash in 2 business saving accounts.
I'm going to stop trading in mid December and my company tax year end is end of March 2021.
So from mid December not a lot is going to happen in my company account and I'll pay in January 2021 the full monthly accountancy fee for December 2020
Accountant fee:
My accountant charges £1000 + VAT so £1200 as part of the MVL fee.
The fee is justified to me by the below work to be done:
Preparation of Form 4.25 Statement of Assets & Liabilities
Preparation, issue, and ultimate submission of liquidation accounts
Preparation, issue, and ultimate submission of final CT600
Preparation and submission of final VAT Return
Liaison with liquidators until final distribution and liquidation completion
To me it sounds expensive and it's also like paying them 6 months of monthly accountancy fees in one shot.
I don't say I shouldn't pay anything and that's obviously easier to handle the MVL with my current accountant rather than appointing someone else but I have the impression it should cost me more like £500 max.
Does this sounds fair?
Liquidator fee
At this stage, I only have a rough estimation of 2k + VAT so £2400 for a "basic service".
Again based on informations I have provided above, any thoughts?
I'm thinking about making various quotes anyway.
Any other recommendations? Any liquidator company to recommend?
Thanks a lot