I'll try to summarise our position as clearly as possible below and will then deal with any specific subsequent questions. Naturally very little is black and white with IR35 and it's impossible to cover every scenario, but I hope the confirmation below will provide reassurance around the TLC35 policy.
- Contractors are presented with the application statements when purchasing the policy, where we ask them to confirm, to the best of their knowledge, that they are accurate
- The statements are specifically confirming the contractor’s understanding of the working practices – not the client’s or HMRC’s
- If a contractor contacts us to suggest that there is doubt over these statements, we may advise them to seek clarification or take further due diligence
- However, we appreciate that obtaining any form of confirmation from end clients around issues like substitution is difficult and doing so is not a mandatory requirement
- If a contractor is subject to an investigation and, during the course of the enquiry, HMRC decide that there isn’t a valid right of substitution, the policy will still cover the contractor – unless the contractor was specifically aware that this was the case
- Contractors can obtain an IR35 review of their contract, giving them a view on the written terms between them and their agency. This is not a fully conclusive assessment of the circumstances and clearly sets out to give an opinion on the written terms only. For robust due diligence we would always suggest a contractor incorporates a review of their working practices. Neither review is a requirement of the policy
- Qdos has never rejected a claim on the policy on the basis that there were insufficient Prospects of Success