Mod : This is not light relief. This is serious. This board is getting spammed minute by minute by at least one of these guys and I for one think you should have a word.
Dear AtW & Andy
Firstly, just wanted to say, I love your column. I think it's witty & entertaining - where do you guys come up with this stuff. Hilarious.
Anyway. I'm a member of a Contractors Bulletin Board on the 'interweb'. This site has always had it's members of different persuasions & different opinions, but recently it seems as if it's just two members who post constantly.
The first member is obviously quite technically gifted. But this is where it finishes. He constantly tries to have the last word on every thread. He offers advice to everyone about every subject. He's a real know-it-all, but really seems to know nothing. As someone once said about Lisa in a Simpsons episode - 'Oh here she comes an answer to a question nobody asked'. Anyway my question is, do you think this member has anything else in his life and how can we stop him offering stupid advice to everyone?
The second member is posting at a horrendous rate. It's obvious to all around that he has limited mental capacity and in fact may be a young child sitting at his mothers computer. At 4 0 Clock each day she obviously comes home and switches it off. His endless drivel is really clogging up the boards. If it was email he would be arrested for spam. Do you think we should try to engage him and talk to him as an adult or should we ignore him?
I hope you can help.
Marillion Fan
Contractor UK Member
Dear AtW & Andy
Firstly, just wanted to say, I love your column. I think it's witty & entertaining - where do you guys come up with this stuff. Hilarious.
Anyway. I'm a member of a Contractors Bulletin Board on the 'interweb'. This site has always had it's members of different persuasions & different opinions, but recently it seems as if it's just two members who post constantly.
The first member is obviously quite technically gifted. But this is where it finishes. He constantly tries to have the last word on every thread. He offers advice to everyone about every subject. He's a real know-it-all, but really seems to know nothing. As someone once said about Lisa in a Simpsons episode - 'Oh here she comes an answer to a question nobody asked'. Anyway my question is, do you think this member has anything else in his life and how can we stop him offering stupid advice to everyone?
The second member is posting at a horrendous rate. It's obvious to all around that he has limited mental capacity and in fact may be a young child sitting at his mothers computer. At 4 0 Clock each day she obviously comes home and switches it off. His endless drivel is really clogging up the boards. If it was email he would be arrested for spam. Do you think we should try to engage him and talk to him as an adult or should we ignore him?
I hope you can help.
Marillion Fan
Contractor UK Member