Hi all. I recently started contracting using an Umbrella company and got my first pay advice last week and, having studied it in some detail, I am happy with everything except that I think I may have paid employers NIC twice. But I am not sure about this as, using some umbrella sites pay calculators, I get the same net take home pay and, one site I went too seemed to use the same calculations as my Umbrella company.
The top section of the pay advice shows the gross amount received from the recruitment agency and deducts the correct amount of Allowable Expenses, Umbrella fee and Employers NIC to give the taxable earnings.
The Employers NIC being worked out correctly as: ((Gross - Expenses - Umbrella fee - £136) * 13.8)/113.8)
The following deductions are then taken from my taxable earnings: Tax, NI contribution and NI by Employer.
My take home pay is then calculated as my taxable earnings less the above deductions plus Allowable Expenses.
Now I may be missing a trick here but the Employers NIC was deducted from my gross to give my taxable earnings so why is it then that the same amount, entitled NI by Employer, is deducted from my taxable pay as well?
The Umbrella company cannot deduct two lots of employers NI contribution and only pay one of them over to HMRC, so what's going on?
I should say here that I have sent an Email to my Umbrella company querying this but won't get an answer until Monday and I thought that if anyone has a sensible answer it may benefit others as well.
The top section of the pay advice shows the gross amount received from the recruitment agency and deducts the correct amount of Allowable Expenses, Umbrella fee and Employers NIC to give the taxable earnings.
The Employers NIC being worked out correctly as: ((Gross - Expenses - Umbrella fee - £136) * 13.8)/113.8)
The following deductions are then taken from my taxable earnings: Tax, NI contribution and NI by Employer.
My take home pay is then calculated as my taxable earnings less the above deductions plus Allowable Expenses.
Now I may be missing a trick here but the Employers NIC was deducted from my gross to give my taxable earnings so why is it then that the same amount, entitled NI by Employer, is deducted from my taxable pay as well?
The Umbrella company cannot deduct two lots of employers NI contribution and only pay one of them over to HMRC, so what's going on?
I should say here that I have sent an Email to my Umbrella company querying this but won't get an answer until Monday and I thought that if anyone has a sensible answer it may benefit others as well.