+1, another vote for Be from me too.
£18 a month for 5Mb download speed (l live out in the sticks so am delighted with this speed). No download limits and no 12 month contracts. My Bebox has been absolutely fine, I think I've rebooted it maybe twice in about a year.
Only had one occasion to talk to tech support; when getting set up, wanted a static IP. They were polite, knowledgeable and efficient - 1st person I spoke to knew exactly what to do and just did it with no fuss. 1 call, 10 mins. Job done.
Highly highly recommened.
EDIT: £17.50, not £18.00 - forgot about the recent price drop due to VAT change. Also just checked my speed, now seems to be up over 7Mb
£18 a month for 5Mb download speed (l live out in the sticks so am delighted with this speed). No download limits and no 12 month contracts. My Bebox has been absolutely fine, I think I've rebooted it maybe twice in about a year.
Only had one occasion to talk to tech support; when getting set up, wanted a static IP. They were polite, knowledgeable and efficient - 1st person I spoke to knew exactly what to do and just did it with no fuss. 1 call, 10 mins. Job done.
Highly highly recommened.
EDIT: £17.50, not £18.00 - forgot about the recent price drop due to VAT change. Also just checked my speed, now seems to be up over 7Mb