I meant that all 720P panels can handle 1080i source, some can handle a 1080P source though they obviously scale it down.
Size is an issue and people make the mistake of thinking that 1080P must be better when it doesn’t always suit peoples needs, an upscaled SD picture will generally look worse on a 1080P panel as it has to stretch it more, also unless you go above 40 inches the human eye can’t distinguish between 720P and 1080P at about 8 feet viewing distance.
If you are going to buy a 60” screen and sit only 6 feet away the picture will look like one of the advertising boards on Piccadilly Circus if you have 720 or 1080 lines.
Size is an issue and people make the mistake of thinking that 1080P must be better when it doesn’t always suit peoples needs, an upscaled SD picture will generally look worse on a 1080P panel as it has to stretch it more, also unless you go above 40 inches the human eye can’t distinguish between 720P and 1080P at about 8 feet viewing distance.
If you are going to buy a 60” screen and sit only 6 feet away the picture will look like one of the advertising boards on Piccadilly Circus if you have 720 or 1080 lines.