Ok, probably a dull question so no smart-arse answers please only sensible ones [please ].
In my country retreat I've got an old laptop which works fine, the Broadband in 2MB [ is that megabite per seconds ?] and I use a Wireless Router Netgear DG834G I think.
The BB contract is up and I was thinking of switching and getting 8MB BB - however will this make any difference to what I actually see on my laptop ?
The questions being, in order to take advantage of the 8MB BB, is there a minimum spec wireless router & Laptop [ RAM & Processer Speed ] ?
Thanks for all helpful answers....
In my country retreat I've got an old laptop which works fine, the Broadband in 2MB [ is that megabite per seconds ?] and I use a Wireless Router Netgear DG834G I think.
The BB contract is up and I was thinking of switching and getting 8MB BB - however will this make any difference to what I actually see on my laptop ?
The questions being, in order to take advantage of the 8MB BB, is there a minimum spec wireless router & Laptop [ RAM & Processer Speed ] ?
Thanks for all helpful answers....