Hoping someone can help me. I have created a frameset that is split into 2 frames: top and bottom. The top frame (called frame1.html) contains links to my various works and clicking on one will open up one of my sites in the lower frame (called bottomframe.html) - don't ask me why I want to link to my other site in this way rather than opening up a new new browser window. I have my reasons.
So clicking on the link in the top frame brings up my website in the lower frame - that works fine. The only problem is when the user clicks on another link in the top frame the bottomframe is still there. How do I have an option in there so that the user can choose to close the bottom frame (ie a "click here to close bottom window"? I have created the following form button:
form method=POST
input type="button" value="Close this below portolio preview" on Click="top.close (); " name="button"
of course this will close the whole browser window. Have tried to replace "top.close" to "bottom.close" or "bottomframe.close" but this does not work.
Can anyone help provide me with a solution?
Hoping someone can help me. I have created a frameset that is split into 2 frames: top and bottom. The top frame (called frame1.html) contains links to my various works and clicking on one will open up one of my sites in the lower frame (called bottomframe.html) - don't ask me why I want to link to my other site in this way rather than opening up a new new browser window. I have my reasons.
So clicking on the link in the top frame brings up my website in the lower frame - that works fine. The only problem is when the user clicks on another link in the top frame the bottomframe is still there. How do I have an option in there so that the user can choose to close the bottom frame (ie a "click here to close bottom window"? I have created the following form button:
form method=POST
input type="button" value="Close this below portolio preview" on Click="top.close (); " name="button"
of course this will close the whole browser window. Have tried to replace "top.close" to "bottom.close" or "bottomframe.close" but this does not work.
Can anyone help provide me with a solution?