Having dabbled with python in the past and taken little notice of the version, I am now aiming to beef up my expertise so I can justly include perl and python guruship on my CV.
Also, as luck would have it, clientco have given their blessing to me working with python scripts as a background task, as their long-term aim is to evolve away from perl to python. (I reckon this will never happen, but there you go.)
Reading tutorials etc, and the python homepage, the first thing that becomes apparent is that there are two major versions in use v2 (currently 2.7.10) and v3 (currently 3.5.0).
My strong inclination is to assume v2 is old hat, kept around merely for backward compatibility, and v3 is obviously the one to go for. But that would be wrong if the situation is like perl, for which v5 is used almost exclusively and v6 is no more than an uber-techie's toy that has been "on the horizon" for more than ten years and will obviously never be widely used having been overtaken by events (not least by python).
So, what do python gurus reading this think? Is v3 fairly stable and the correct choice (a) on a greenfield system (python wise) or even (b) if there are python scripts already in use? How incompatible are they?
Also, as luck would have it, clientco have given their blessing to me working with python scripts as a background task, as their long-term aim is to evolve away from perl to python. (I reckon this will never happen, but there you go.)
Reading tutorials etc, and the python homepage, the first thing that becomes apparent is that there are two major versions in use v2 (currently 2.7.10) and v3 (currently 3.5.0).
My strong inclination is to assume v2 is old hat, kept around merely for backward compatibility, and v3 is obviously the one to go for. But that would be wrong if the situation is like perl, for which v5 is used almost exclusively and v6 is no more than an uber-techie's toy that has been "on the horizon" for more than ten years and will obviously never be widely used having been overtaken by events (not least by python).
So, what do python gurus reading this think? Is v3 fairly stable and the correct choice (a) on a greenfield system (python wise) or even (b) if there are python scripts already in use? How incompatible are they?