A pirate walks into a pub. He's got a wooden leg, a hook for a hand, and an eye patch. One of the regulars asks him "How did you lose your leg?"
The pirate says "One stormy night, the wind blew me clean overboard, and it got bitten off by a shark".
Another pub regular asks how he lost his hand.
"I was capturing a merchant ship laden with gold, and it got cut off in the heat of battle".
Then someone asks how he lost his eye. The pirate says "We were fast approaching land, when a seagull dropping landed in it."
"You can't lose an eye just from a seagull dropping" says another of the drinkers.
"Normally, no" says the pirate, "But I hadn't got used to the hook yet".
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Previously on "Talk like a pirate day"
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Talk like a pirate?
OK: "Who's turn is it in the barrel, me hearties?
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Originally posted by DBA_bloke View PostPoint of order: Pirates don't pay taxes, because they are, er, pirates. Forfeit.
GArrrrrgh, you've got 'im over a barrel there...
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Did you hear about the pirate with two wooden legs?
They caught fire and burned his ARRrrrse to the ground!
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From 'Third rock from the Sun';
Q: "Where are your Buccaneers?"
A: "Underneath my buccan' hat".
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Arrrrr being going for my lunch now me-harties with my crew arrrr
Its going to be 'Pizza's for Eight'
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What do you call a pirate actor who is very popular?
A Superstarrrrrrr!
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