Originally posted by Acme Thunderer
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No - the onus of proof is upon the individual.
HMRC are likely to come along with a "you were contracting 16/17 and your end client said you were an employee 17/18. On the basis that your job description did not change and neither did your end client, we think you were likely inside IR35 for 16/17 (and perhaps 15/16). What evidence do you have for claiming otherwise?"
The public sector - esp Civil Service - has a group think that says if an individual is grade 4 say, then they can do ANY grade 4 job in the department. In HMRC that is a nonsense (a VAT specialist being reassigned to income tax fraud?). Perhaps in many other places also a nonsense. However, the starting assumption is there.
Consequently, in seeking to disprove HMRC's starting assumption, you have to fight this group think and point to differences between the two years or perhaps a change of circumstances or some other reason.
I guarantee you that relying upon a defence of "the end client was just being cautious" is almost certainly not enough.
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