Originally posted by Mich the Tester
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Personally in answer to the thread question - if I was really hungry I'd eat a whole horse. 100%. I've had horse steak in France once, very nice, just like beef. Then again, maybe our French hosts might have been lying to us just to impress us as it was beef. LOL. Was cut about 2" thick and about the size of a dinner plate. and reminded me of a Flintstones bronto-steak. Burned on the outside and bloody inside. Mmmmmn.
What I don't want is to be sold something which it isn't. If Findus want to sell me Horse Lasagne - that's fine. Just stick it on the label. What this whole things has made me realise - I'm glad I buy my food raw and make my own stuff. Processed food is just asking for it too much. I can get a brace of pheasant for the same price as a Fray Bentos pie. Hmmmn which would I prefer? Depends on how much ale I've had before I start to cook.
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