Originally posted by stek
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He had no experience in hiring and went with the CVs that were put in front of him, 90% of which were from Indian devs.
He hired a team full of Indian devs; personally I had no issues with this as I am not bothered about an individuals ethnicity, so long as
they are a good dev and the project is successful.
I found the Indian devs to be highly educated on paper (BSCs, MSCs, MBAs) and highly motivated and comitted. Throughout the
project the comittment remained and they tried their best to keep the project on track.
However, as time passed there were so many issues regarding inaccurate reporting, honesty and communication that the project ultimately failed.
They would time and again refuse to accept they had missed a deadline or wrongly implemented a use case. Most of them were highy decorated with qualifications yet were all under the age of 30. They had little or no experience in full life cycle project development.
They appeared to be more code hackers than principled software design engineers.
By the end the company was so sick of the bickering amongst the Indian devs they no longer hire them. I have been to meetings
and seen Indian CVs put to one side simply based on the Indian name. This is not because the management are in any way racist but simply
becuase of their past experiences in having hired them.
To my mind this trend of hiring Indian devs may be short lived unless Indian devs can raise their game and be more software engineer than
bickering code hacker.
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