Definitely feel I need to change my outlook and get in touch with my High love side

Wedding Ceremony Officiant Services | Amoon, The High Love Priestess

The High Love Experience Includes…

An initial 3 hour in-person or skype consultation to clarify your needs, desires and grandest wishes for your dream wedding ceremony
4 one hour skype counseling calls to help you relax, laugh, and get in touch with your sexy, sacred self… the REAL you!
A special, online “vision board” to keep our hot ideas and inspirations
Unlimited coaching via email – we got this!
Co-creation of a truly meaningful and unforgettable ceremony, tailored to your exact specifications and requirements ~ because you deserve it!
Assistance for you and your beloved in writing authentic, heartfelt vows
A run-through of the ceremony the day before – bye bye jitters!
The wedding ceremony of your dreams (guaranteed)
An elegant keepsake of your vows and ceremony
(Optional) Customized meditation CD’s for the bride and/or groom
(Optional) “Spa Day for the Soul” ~ too divine to explain online!
…and all the perfect, juicy extras to make your day unforgettable!

My base rate is $10,000. If your wedding is outside of Los Angeles or San Diego, I will also require airfare and lodging for two on the nights of your wedding and rehearsal. Additional elegance (as mentioned above, and more) can be included if you so desire.
one a month and I can live quite nicely.