Originally posted by DodgyAgent
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The second step is not equating me to Labour just because I oppose Tories, its too simplistic.
Far more people DONT have a career thats tied to finance, than do.. so why is every political decision around protecting and babysitting the City's financials?
It is not true to say that high GDP, profitability, or a strong economy == a better standard of living, unless you have total equality of earnings, which is of course impossible (I wouldnt want it any other way).
But rather than has us paid to incentivise hard work, I think its gone too far the other way , where the people who play the game in economics (banks, investment houses, insurers etc) are being paid over the odds for not really acheiving much other than fake short term returns. All these people care about are short term (year on year) growth , when what these industries should be (especially given that car insurance is mandatory in this country) is public service driven FIRST AND FOREMOST.
We've bailed them out as we're saying on one hand that they are an essential public service - but on the other saying that exposing everything to the market is the answer.
I loathe the mine closures, because I believe that the decision was short sighted, in much the same way as the bankers making decisions to offshore IT jobs at the cost of UK workers - with no competing industries for them to go to...
Sure we might save a buck now, but as soon as we destroy our IT capacity, the same way we did the mines, or ship building - then the price for Coal, , ships, or IT services will increase exponentially - as will the associated cost of keeping mass unemployment within your country (crime, birth rate, domestic violence etc will all increase).
Has closing the mines resulted in cheaper energy prices for us? Is coal cheaper now to import than its relative cost to mine back then ? Add on the cost of maintaining decimated towns and cities like say - South Hetton, or your typical Welsh mining village , and the benefit culture that grows as 3 generations with no hope of work go down?
I know if I'm not getting a contract this month, my wife's getting a pasting <joking... joking>
I'm just an amateur (which I'm sure you'll agree) but some of these arguements are compelling and I'm certainly sold to the high opportunity cost of closing the ship building industry in Sunderland, for example.
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