The fact is you will find no-one who has worked 40 years fulltime in the public sector with a pension of £5000.
I worked 2 years for the first co I got and I estimate to get no more than £100 pension per year for my service. The figure of £5000 including everyone however little they contributed just demonstrates how high a full pension must be.
Just gives an idea of how divorced from reality Union leaders are.
Good article here:
I like this
At Birmingham Women's Hospital, theatre nurse and Unison president, Eleanor Smith has offered a classic self-defeating defence of her strike action. "I came into the public sector not for great wages…" she said. Now what would you expect to follow that opening: "…but to serve the community", or "…to provide care that is free at the point of use"?
No, what Ms Smith said was that she did not enter the public sector for great wages "…but for a pension." And
No, what Ms Smith said was that she did not enter the public sector for great wages "…but for a pension." And
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