Originally posted by Mich the Tester
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What behavioural characteristics would have been selected for by early man, and where would we look for intelligence in someone bucking the trend.
Well early man would have been a lot safer if he had been quiet, Stick to a medium/large sized group (for defence), not habitual (dont use well worn trails, dont drink at the same water hole at the same time), ability to vary diet in order to avoid predators (if you rely on bananas and there is a leopard in the banana tree you are fooked), spread his seed around loads of different women (no masturbation). Medium/small build for obvious athletic benefits, full head of hair to keep the sun off.
So the counterfactual conditional would be a 21st century genius who drinks at the same place every night punctually on his own, gets very noisy when the pepperamis run out but is easily capable of switching to salted peanuts, fat , baldy and a bit of a tosser.
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