Originally posted by Paddy
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In fact until about 2003 I was more or less neutral towards Putin - nobody knew who he was and he seemed to have been pursueing pretty sensible policies - like flat 12% income tax, very good idea (not suggested by him but he approved), this was fine. Unfortunatly about that time oil price started going up and Putin by then put his people in most places so he started to show his true colours.
Unlike you I am not only in touch with what happens in Russia but also have chatted personally to people who have first hand experience with those people. So I don't base my views on what I read in Western papers (very mild critisisms of Putin), I can see deliberate lies of state owned media in Russia and this alone is pretty good to make long reaching conclusions - unlike you I lived in USSR and can see common patterns (even though I was young at the time).
The day will come when Putin is fully exposed - the scum like him will probably kill himself or his buddies kill him, I am not sure even I will be alive to see it (strangely people who oppose Putin don't live long), but I sure hope that you live long enough to see what the scumbag he was and remember this moment and feel ashamed of yourself for giving him an ounce of support.
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