Originally posted by SallyAnne
Sounds like a taste of retirement to me. Loads of people look forward to giving up work, taking it easy etc but when it turns up they are totally lost. Happens to lots of women when the kids finally move out too, they are defined by their ability to look after the family and that is taken away leaving them without a purpose.
Work takes such a large amount of your life up that the rest fits round it, after a few years you are institutionalised.In addition, usually all your friends etc are still working (or home with kids) either way they are no use to you !
While at college, I had tons of freetime, but tons of people around to share it with, which meant it was easy to fill.
Last break I played golf a lot but it was summer time, in winter I would have been struggling.
Weekends will tend to be ok so try to get away during the week. I had commitments but really fancied heading to Newquay, settling into a beach/cafe lifestyle while keeping an eye on the market via dial-up ! Makes you think a pied-a-terre somewhere warm would be good about now. But you have a bloke in tow so not really a goer.
Spend an hour checking sites, sending emails/cv's, consider registering on a few sites too (I haven't done this but might next time as agencies are starting to ditch their own databases). You will get a few stupid calls, but they are easily side-stepped and at least the phone is ringing !!
You are one call away from being back on the train (and wishing you weren't !) try to enjoy the time off !
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