I've been using the pwgen utility for password generation for a while now. It looks impossible at first glance but actually it's not. For the accounts that I use regularly (that's 12+ at a quick count) I can recall the passwords mentally with ease. Less regularly used accounts can be more of a challenge!
It's a Linux command line thing, but it appears there is a Windows port and a neat little online Javascript thingy as well.
~$ pwgen ef1Eugh6 eiF7weey EePei0uD foul0Oar Uingei1t Eiren2qu phaeGho0 Aal7ceiN Cov6aido ob1Paith Jucha4ai Se4goh9O up7ahPho xe2Eve4h ahx1Ahdu Bif9naev chee1Gi9 fahS6Aiz xia7Teid AeNgi9qu ieSh1eid shu3Aigu ahsooFo6 TohZ5du7 neeCah7r aim8Ha3m peiG2ahF uB6oukae raeTh1uu eisie6Ha uth4we7I oCi8iek9 luh3Phad chei7Eed kieG7heg Ruo4ahb7 quoo3Cie eBe1meiW raa9Aesh Rooc7ohk dooja2ID Phiep7oh aephai1I hoo1Ahbu Aeth0eeg Oohae6oh eigh3Wee ouyahF0K Dou6oobo ohSh3phe moTeiW2S chu8Aewa Miesheg3 mi2oos2P Eidij7Ah Quee2Puu de7Pahy4 igh4fa8B eiSheza0 GaiyoCh9 Gee0mea7 toHaic5e naaWiSu9 oocha5Ri iequ9Bor maic8Ael iebu6Gu1 UPom5ma3 igoc5Ahp Diequ5ai aeza6Foh Maiwei6j Ahpoiz4W EiJie9ki rail1Eic Ooz6Fi6E yaRooCh5 Onair4Ee ee0ahPha ieK5ocei ieB8zeiy yuu6aiMu ooche6Ah ahp1Zo0y booChah3 iG9oohex yao3ooCe Airei9no ohTh4koh ujuoxa4Y uVahNae9 do3YahBa cail1ooB Ahd8eing Aet3ohna uob1Eiqu uiqu0Quo ooNgax1M iv0yeiJe zeiNgie7 aeChie6Y eiLuo7mu Thah1oob OhV5Ap6u sha9veeR eep5aeCh aShie0fi Seeng1oi na1sieNo ahd6eeGh Iiwoo7ma neiBoh1a MeiT5pei quojie1C Cai0Thag iwahth0I bae7oPie boW0zaju uf0Aetea jaeGh8ie EeHa8moo Ahch5sho Thing7mu ii7Tad6a iepooY8I Iesei6ej Nee2pi9e aj4Yah0a aThoDa0d Iequ7Eim AhShu5ae YooTh4oh lu7aeG3t Thee8Ieh aecuR3Sh uuZiuj2i Uu2aebie Phu9eide esh4se7O hoh6Quoo AiNguel5 Aej3phik uidaiN7i roh5Emo9 eikai9Ro Iayoo2yo Hahx0eec oob5Euxe aPh1Is7e wa3eez7W ieB9IpiR omu3ohWa Notahy1a lu3eiT9o moo2Aixa ee9ahGho aeKi5zi6 Efao4aig Eiw2cah2 ei7aeDoo
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