Originally posted by MyUserName
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Best one I ever had was years when I was even duller. Got gig. Max 6 weeks on site A (200 miles away) then rest of time was site B (10 miles from home). Rate was crap but I thought great 6 weeks then close to home = result. No way could I afford to stay away in hotel for entire time so I just though of it as a loss leader. Well this is what agent told me.
So two weeks pass I ask client about the 'transfer' back to site B. First client had heard of it. As far as they were concerned it was all at Site A. Basically, agent had found out they did have an office close to home and used that to lie to me. To be fair the client was great about it and even looked into me working from Site B but it didnt come off. They completely understood when I walked.
So I told agency to shove it a week later with no notice. They went mad but I ignored them. The client was well pissed off with the agency and canned them as well. Result there.
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