Originally posted by The Spartan
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Not read the whole thread sorry.
I'm a Scrum Master, we run our daily stand ups over the phone plus Net Meeting. We have a team of 13 people, 7 in the UK and 6 Bobs.
The Bobs do the BAU stuff so I run that more Kanban type, the UK we have a proper sprint planning meeting and do a variation of planning poker to estimate how much work we can accomplish in a sprint. When doing the retrospective I tend to report the two groups separately. Really they should have their own scrums but it's nice to have the whole team know what's going on.
I can normally do a daily scrum in 10-15 minutes. There's no hanging about and it's very to the point. I really try and keep the momentum going. When we had the previous Scrum Master people were hanging up halfway through and I'm glad to say I think I've stopped that.
Agile is just a tool like any other and I'll change the drill bit to suit the material. It's all about relationships rather than processes in my book. My aim is to keep people focussed, make sure there's plenty of interesting stuff to do and keep the boring bits to a minimum.
Just my 2p worth.
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