Originally posted by malvolio
All the umbrellas will allow you to expense the same amount i.e. exactly what you have spent, they just differ at the amount at which they need to see proof. The HMRC don't they can ask for proof even if its for 10pence if you've claimed it.
Sit down and think....
The 'allowable' expenses level seems to be going up, not by any chance a cycnical ploy to goad unwitting contractors into utilising these 'allowances' so that when they come after you they've got something to hang you with.
The allowable bit relates to the umbrella it means HMRC allows them to pay you without seeing the receipts (therefore removing them from the burden of proof) this doesn't mean its allowable to you - you still need to be able to prove it.
They ought to rename allowable expenses to 'only-a-stupid-fool-would-claim-these-without-receipts' expenses
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