Originally posted by MPwannadecentincome
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This isn't an Mortgage Market Review (MMR) thing either, this has always been the case. It more so applies to those who may have to go down the 'contractor' route of proving their income by using the contract rate. The reason being (as it always has been) if the lenders are going to annualise your income over a 5 day week and 46 or 48 week year they want to see that you generally do work that kind of amount. Also a lot of lenders have an outdated stereotypical view of contractors that a lot of you find a role for 3 months then when the role comes to an end you then spend the next few months trying to find a new contract before repeating the process over again when in fact a lot of the time, contracts are renewed or new contracts are found which start when the previous one ends showing a consistent, continuous income.
It will also depend upon the overall case, if you are borrowing a low 'loan to value' (amount you wish to borrow in relation to the value of the property) and there is plenty of affordability there then lenders are more likely to overlook gaps in the contracting history. I have had many mortgages agreed where there have been gaps in the contracting history of over 4-6 weeks.
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