Originally posted by simonsjdaccountancy
That said though, I think the reason your clients are pretty well educated is surely related to the superb info on your website & intro pack
On a more general note, my experience with SJD has been positive overall but not without it's bumps. Too many oopses to be a true "file and forget" proactive type of service that I'd like (and would even be prepared to pay a little more for), I still have to check everything they do.
The good points outshine any minor niggles though:
- Excellent service, you always get a prompt and useful response
- listen and act upon complaints, feedback & suggestions, none of that black-hole stuff you tend to find too often these days
- they do look after their clients, from sms messages to various updates and the occasional 'special' extras
- Competent, and as far as I'm aware everything's squeaky clean as far as my books and the taxman are concerned (i.e. no gray/dodgy schemes)
- Value for money
All in all I still rate them as excellent and recommend them to everyone.
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