Wonder if anyone can offer some advice.

I have been employed as a full time employee in the same company for the past 5 years, prior to my post being made permanent I was contracting for the same company for a further 2.5 years. This was a continuous contract with no breaks, through an agency. I am now in the process of being made redundant and my empoyers have stated that my contracting time will not count with regards to the redundancy package. Is this true? I remember hearing about a case in the US (it is a US firm I am working for) that contested this, as they stated they had been continuously employed and deserved the same rights as other employees. I also heard that this would apply if someone was employed under contractor status for over 2 years. Is any of this true? I would like to contest this with my employer, but would prefer to have some more feeling about my rights before I do so.

many thanks,