I don't understand that last post at all.
Assuming all your contracts are inside IR35:
- Add up all your invoice amounts (ex VAT) received in the tax year (NB date of receipt not date of invoice)
- Subtract 5%
- Subtract allowable expenses such as pensions
Your are now left with a number like £100000
You must now calculate the 'Deemed Payment' (DP). The DP is just is how much the employee is paid when the employer makes a total payment of £100000:
£100000 = DP + ERNI
It's not a difficult calculation but I don't have the details with me. Let's say the DP is £86000. This is the salary payment to the employee (you) and you now pay income tax and EENI on the DP. There is a calculator on the HMRC website (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/how-to-c...oyment-payment) which you can use to check your calculation. You can only do this all this at the year end so you can pay yourself an estimated amount monthly in a standard PAYE scheme and deduct the tax and NI from the end of year figures.
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