Originally posted by Lewis Segi
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Regarding the P11D, as I said before it depends what the expenses are. Business expenses can broadly be broken down into two groups:
* Expenses you incur in the course of doing your job - for most contractors this is normally business travel or travel to a temporary workplace (including any related accommodation and subsistence) + itemised business calls. You incur these costs personally, your company reimburses you and you claim personal tax relief on the reimbursement through your self-assessment to avoid paying extra tax. These costs are normally reported on a P11D (along with other things like BIKs) unless they are specifically exempt (e.g. AMAP mileage payments).
* Expenses your company incurs - this will normally include staff remuneration (salaries and expense payments), accountancy fees, equipment, stationary, admin costs, employer's NIC. These should normally be paid for by the company directly and bills should be in the company name wherever possible however HMRC accept that sometimes an employee will purchase things on its employer's behalf. As long you have your employer's permission and its clear to the supplier that you are purchasing on your business's behalf then you are entitled to be reimbursed without their being any personal tax implications and these payments don't have to appear on your P11D.
Based on the above you should be able to work out what needs reporting on a P11D and what doesn't.
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