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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt blandit mauris. Vestibulum ut diam. Duis consequat purus ut libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam facilisis, metus quis tincidunt congue, sem elit pellentesque velit, non fermentum libero dolor a justo. Suspendisse ac orci. Duis posuere dolor eu est dignissim auctor. Sed viverra justo eu pede. Pellentesque venenatis quam id tortor. Nulla in nunc. Nulla facilisi. Morbi tortor mi, sodales sit amet, convallis et, molestie tempus, urna. Nunc consectetuer ultrices mi. Vivamus ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce at nisi vitae ligula cursus dapibus. Vestibulum viverra odio. Mauris in odio eget risus venenatis ullamcorper. Nulla condimentum, felis eget convallis vulputate, ante nisi venenatis leo, nec rhoncus tortor tortor nec pede.
    SA says;
    Well you looked so stylish I thought you batted for the other camp - thats like the ultimate compliment!

    I couldn't imagine you ever having a hair out of place!

    n5gooner is awarded +5 Xeno Geek Points.
    (whatever these are)


      Originally posted by DS23
      do you take requests?
      SA says;
      Well you looked so stylish I thought you batted for the other camp - thats like the ultimate compliment!

      I couldn't imagine you ever having a hair out of place!

      n5gooner is awarded +5 Xeno Geek Points.
      (whatever these are)


        ivor the engine?


          Nulla egestas. Pellentesque tempus sollicitudin augue. Maecenas eu orci. Nulla facilisi. Nam justo massa, consectetuer non, feugiat ac, porttitor rhoncus, mauris. Duis vestibulum faucibus risus. Morbi elementum. Maecenas fermentum molestie tortor. Donec ut ipsum eget felis tempus pharetra. Ut justo lorem, consectetuer at, luctus at, vulputate at, magna. In tempor dignissim magna. Integer aliquet rutrum pede. Proin vitae turpis. Cras porttitor purus. Proin scelerisque suscipit tortor. Nulla vel felis.
          SA says;
          Well you looked so stylish I thought you batted for the other camp - thats like the ultimate compliment!

          I couldn't imagine you ever having a hair out of place!

          n5gooner is awarded +5 Xeno Geek Points.
          (whatever these are)


            Ivor the Engine was created by Oliver Postgate and Peter Fimin. The Little Welsh railway engine was from the Merioneth and Llantisilly Rail Traction Company Limited. Ivor was fired by Idris the dragon who lived in Ivor's boiler. The engine driver was Jones the Steam and the stationmaster was Dai Station. Ivor's great ambition was to sing in the choir like Evans the Song.Link to song
            SA says;
            Well you looked so stylish I thought you batted for the other camp - thats like the ultimate compliment!

            I couldn't imagine you ever having a hair out of place!

            n5gooner is awarded +5 Xeno Geek Points.
            (whatever these are)


              Praesent sit amet lacus. Donec odio pede, blandit vel, ultricies non, auctor eu, dui. Aliquam urna. Pellentesque eget tortor sit amet ante condimentum tempor. Etiam vitae ante. Fusce posuere nunc sit amet leo. Phasellus dignissim luctus augue. Praesent in mauris. Duis euismod arcu a dui. Cras id lorem a metus fringilla aliquet. Nunc convallis congue velit. Vestibulum consectetuer feugiat ante. Sed lacus leo, tincidunt a, cursus ac, pellentesque quis, lorem. Pellentesque semper tempor diam. Phasellus cursus ultricies orci. Proin egestas. Maecenas mattis ante eget lectus. Sed ut lacus. Morbi quis libero ut est aliquet faucibus. Curabitur eget est.
              SA says;
              Well you looked so stylish I thought you batted for the other camp - thats like the ultimate compliment!

              I couldn't imagine you ever having a hair out of place!

              n5gooner is awarded +5 Xeno Geek Points.
              (whatever these are)


                Mauris nibh. Pellentesque pede nisi, mattis sed, commodo sodales, faucibus nec, felis. Nullam vel sem. Cras sed turpis et orci tincidunt varius. Aliquam sapien. Nullam faucibus risus id dolor. Nam dignissim facilisis nisl. Praesent risus lectus, vehicula at, venenatis id, molestie ut, felis. Morbi pretium. Aenean quam nisl, ornare vel, placerat at, mollis sed, mi.
                SA says;
                Well you looked so stylish I thought you batted for the other camp - thats like the ultimate compliment!

                I couldn't imagine you ever having a hair out of place!

                n5gooner is awarded +5 Xeno Geek Points.
                (whatever these are)


                  Originally posted by n5gooner
                  Nulla egestas. Pellentesque tempus sollicitudin augue. Maecenas eu orci. Nulla facilisi. Nam justo massa, consectetuer non, feugiat ac, porttitor rhoncus, mauris. Duis vestibulum faucibus risus. Morbi elementum. Maecenas fermentum molestie tortor. Donec ut ipsum eget felis tempus pharetra. Ut justo lorem, consectetuer at, luctus at, vulputate at, magna. In tempor dignissim magna. Integer aliquet rutrum pede. Proin vitae turpis. Cras porttitor purus. Proin scelerisque suscipit tortor. Nulla vel felis.
                  But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?"
                  Confusion is a natural state of being


                    ooh he do!

                    er... merry, mungo and midge?


                      Aliquam eleifend nisl sed massa. Duis a ligula pellentesque leo mattis imperdiet. Sed ac justo. In euismod elit et arcu. Nam convallis, mauris sit amet venenatis molestie, justo enim fermentum elit, id imperdiet urna arcu vitae velit. Nunc vel lectus ac nisi interdum dignissim. Vivamus urna mauris, blandit sit amet, pharetra vitae, aliquam vulputate, neque. Nunc leo tortor, feugiat sed, accumsan suscipit, gravida quis, augue. Donec enim justo, tincidunt vitae, nonummy sit amet, pharetra et, turpis. Aenean scelerisque adipiscing enim. Morbi commodo, libero ut condimentum sodales, pede mi aliquam lectus, nec convallis est sem sed nisi.
                      SA says;
                      Well you looked so stylish I thought you batted for the other camp - thats like the ultimate compliment!

                      I couldn't imagine you ever having a hair out of place!

                      n5gooner is awarded +5 Xeno Geek Points.
                      (whatever these are)

