Retro and no PSCs
I'm sorry but this is incorrect, I recently left RBS due to the risks of this and their blanket ban of PSCs.
This was well discussed in this thread from page 25 onwards:
Firstly, they are not making determinations but making anyone who carries on - pay NI as if they are an "employee".
Agencies are reporting back to HMRC your NI number, how much you were paid, NI deductions etc as well as when you or your PSC started providing services to that end-client. How much info you have been provided on this will depend on your agency - there have been large discrepancies on this.
HMRC will see suddenly that you are paying a lot more NI and could retrospectively investigate as to why you were not paying it when previously engaged, albeit via your PSC. (Were you really outside before you went umbrella?)
Did you finish as a Ltd Co on a Friday and come back via Umbrella on the Monday, same role etc?
I agonised over this, but the facts and the evidence suggested carrying on from PSC to Umbrella at the same client introduces a level of risk that would prevent me sleeping at night. I roughly calculated that it would be 1K a month I'd owe HMRC for any retro investigation. Fortunately I was only there for 18 months, but I know others who have made the switch and have been there in excess of 10 or 15 years. So that's at least 150K HMRC could be asking for...
Originally posted by WavyDavy
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This was well discussed in this thread from page 25 onwards:
Firstly, they are not making determinations but making anyone who carries on - pay NI as if they are an "employee".
Agencies are reporting back to HMRC your NI number, how much you were paid, NI deductions etc as well as when you or your PSC started providing services to that end-client. How much info you have been provided on this will depend on your agency - there have been large discrepancies on this.
HMRC will see suddenly that you are paying a lot more NI and could retrospectively investigate as to why you were not paying it when previously engaged, albeit via your PSC. (Were you really outside before you went umbrella?)
Did you finish as a Ltd Co on a Friday and come back via Umbrella on the Monday, same role etc?
I agonised over this, but the facts and the evidence suggested carrying on from PSC to Umbrella at the same client introduces a level of risk that would prevent me sleeping at night. I roughly calculated that it would be 1K a month I'd owe HMRC for any retro investigation. Fortunately I was only there for 18 months, but I know others who have made the switch and have been there in excess of 10 or 15 years. So that's at least 150K HMRC could be asking for...