Im sorry, but I'm finding these 'satisifed customers' very suspicious!
If you feel you can trust these guys after they tried unsuccessfully to dissolve their company many months ago then fine. These guys were prepared to shut up shop and do a runner and without the quick response from various members (who blocked them from doing so) you wouldn't be having any kind of contact from them at all! The only reason you're getting mail-shots from these guys is because they are under investigation from HMRC - they are just being seen to do the right thing in order for them to satisfy (on paper) Companies House and HMRC. The money is irrelevent to them as it's the individual's responsibility to pay their taxes.
My accounts are complete garbage and guess what? I've emailed them dozens and dozens of times since April 2009 and not a single response. There's money missing, receipts are incorrect and that's just the time I was with Sunday - don't get me started on Von Essen!!!
You try finding their new registered address - the Postcode does not exist - It's the same postcode listed at Companies House as on their letterheads.
If you feel you can trust these guys after they tried unsuccessfully to dissolve their company many months ago then fine. These guys were prepared to shut up shop and do a runner and without the quick response from various members (who blocked them from doing so) you wouldn't be having any kind of contact from them at all! The only reason you're getting mail-shots from these guys is because they are under investigation from HMRC - they are just being seen to do the right thing in order for them to satisfy (on paper) Companies House and HMRC. The money is irrelevent to them as it's the individual's responsibility to pay their taxes.
My accounts are complete garbage and guess what? I've emailed them dozens and dozens of times since April 2009 and not a single response. There's money missing, receipts are incorrect and that's just the time I was with Sunday - don't get me started on Von Essen!!!
You try finding their new registered address - the Postcode does not exist - It's the same postcode listed at Companies House as on their letterheads.