Originally posted by davehh
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You're assuming they have offices that can be visited.
From previous posts I'm guessing their registered office either no longer exists or is just a forwarding service with a call center. No-one there is going to be able to help.
As I said before, you need to get onto companies house and ensure they are not allowed to close the company.
You then need to get the names of the directors, which I think have already been mentioned and start legal action against the company.
Gets yourselves together, get a solicitor and get cracking. Time is not on your side here and you need to act quickly.
If any of you are PCG members, probably unlikely, talk to them and get some help and advice.
Talk to trading standards local to you and in the area covering the registered offices.
Talk to HMRC's Tax Evasion team, chances are SS are not going to be decalring the money they have held onto and trying to avoid paying their own tax liabilities.