If you are affected in any way by the Loan Charge or are considering settlement, before you do please think about joining LCAG. The more people we have the more chances we have of nixing the Loan Charge.
If you have been following the financial and political news, outside of all that Brexit nonsense, you will see that there have been a lot of articles on the Loan Charge and its debilitating nature and its vindictive approach. Some successes that are down to LCAG and it's rag tag band of amateur volunteers and small amount of professional backup are.
1. An EDM to make the LC prospective which has now got 140 odd MPs of all parties signing it. 10 in the last week or so alone.
THE 2019 LOAN CHARGE - Early Day Motions
2. Managed to get a Westminster Hall debate on the issue with all parties being represented and speaking against the LC.
3. Forced it onto the HoL Finance Bill agenda even though it wasn't scheduled. This resulted is a scathing report on the LC, its implementation and HMRC's attitude.
4. We now have an All Party Parliamentary Group who have taken evidence from many sources ( except HMRC and the Treasury who declined ). A report will be published shortly. Their open letter to Jonathan Thompson should not be missed.
Over 100 MPs have signed up and is still growing
5. Many media articles that have turned from unsupportive to supportive. In particular the FT wrote an editorial that was damning of the Loan Charge.
6. Set up a hotline to support people who are feeling it's all got too much. LCAG has saved lives. No question.
"If you feel that you are unable to cope, text ‘LCAG HELP’ to 81025 and a member of our team will call you back"
There are many more successes that are all helping to build a more accurate and disturbing picture of the Loan Charge, HMRC and the Treasury. Be in no doubt change this and IR35 will be our next target so you will be helping both fights.
We still need more pressure, more members and more people who will take action.
We need people to lobby MPs. LCAG can help with all this ( especially info and rebuttals ) but we need as many constituents as possible to book an appointment. This has been where a lot of the above has come from. MPs turned from unsupportive to supportive through clear articulation of the subversion of the rule of law.
So please join up. We ask for a contribution of £150 to the cause but this is just for expenses and the small of amount of professional advice we have to pay for. Everyone else is a pure volunteer.
This can still be stopped, especially with a possible change of regime in the Treasury.
2019 Loan Charge Action Group (LCAG) - Loan Charge Action Group
If you are not directly affected but want to help or push back against HMRC and the tax system that seems to want to punish contractors. Please consider supporting the crowdfunder against tax retrospection.
Fight Unjust Government Retrospective Laws - Before They Impact You
I hope I haven't broken any forum guidelines
If you have been following the financial and political news, outside of all that Brexit nonsense, you will see that there have been a lot of articles on the Loan Charge and its debilitating nature and its vindictive approach. Some successes that are down to LCAG and it's rag tag band of amateur volunteers and small amount of professional backup are.
1. An EDM to make the LC prospective which has now got 140 odd MPs of all parties signing it. 10 in the last week or so alone.
THE 2019 LOAN CHARGE - Early Day Motions
2. Managed to get a Westminster Hall debate on the issue with all parties being represented and speaking against the LC.
3. Forced it onto the HoL Finance Bill agenda even though it wasn't scheduled. This resulted is a scathing report on the LC, its implementation and HMRC's attitude.
4. We now have an All Party Parliamentary Group who have taken evidence from many sources ( except HMRC and the Treasury who declined ). A report will be published shortly. Their open letter to Jonathan Thompson should not be missed.
Over 100 MPs have signed up and is still growing
5. Many media articles that have turned from unsupportive to supportive. In particular the FT wrote an editorial that was damning of the Loan Charge.
6. Set up a hotline to support people who are feeling it's all got too much. LCAG has saved lives. No question.
"If you feel that you are unable to cope, text ‘LCAG HELP’ to 81025 and a member of our team will call you back"
There are many more successes that are all helping to build a more accurate and disturbing picture of the Loan Charge, HMRC and the Treasury. Be in no doubt change this and IR35 will be our next target so you will be helping both fights.
We still need more pressure, more members and more people who will take action.
We need people to lobby MPs. LCAG can help with all this ( especially info and rebuttals ) but we need as many constituents as possible to book an appointment. This has been where a lot of the above has come from. MPs turned from unsupportive to supportive through clear articulation of the subversion of the rule of law.
So please join up. We ask for a contribution of £150 to the cause but this is just for expenses and the small of amount of professional advice we have to pay for. Everyone else is a pure volunteer.
This can still be stopped, especially with a possible change of regime in the Treasury.
2019 Loan Charge Action Group (LCAG) - Loan Charge Action Group
If you are not directly affected but want to help or push back against HMRC and the tax system that seems to want to punish contractors. Please consider supporting the crowdfunder against tax retrospection.
Fight Unjust Government Retrospective Laws - Before They Impact You
I hope I haven't broken any forum guidelines