Lots of focus on Loan retrospection. I hope they get this over turned as all those affected by S58 2008 should have the same rights! We declared all on our SA's, we were hit with a 2008 retro tax but because were not nurses or social workers somehow its ok?
2019 Loan Charge: What the Lords Recommend to HMRC
Recommendation 1
We recommend that the loan charge substitue with: Section 58 2008 FA, legislation is amended to exclude from the charge those made in years where taxpayers disclosed their participation in these schemes to HMRC or which would otherwise have been “closed”.
2019 Loan Charge: What the Lords Recommend to HMRC
Recommendation 1
We recommend that the loan charge substitue with: Section 58 2008 FA, legislation is amended to exclude from the charge those made in years where taxpayers disclosed their participation in these schemes to HMRC or which would otherwise have been “closed”.