Repaying the loan will prevent the loan charge arising but will not prevent HMRC from claiming that tax is due on the £390k of loans.
Whether HMRC is correct or not has yet to be determined.
You will know only when either AML's promised litigation happens or another group goes to litigation or you roll over and accept HMRC's version of the truth.
repaying the loans may not avoid the loan charge if HMRC consider that it is part of an avoidance scheme. I suggest that initially at least the arrangement will attract that sort of attention. I'm not au fair enough with the detail to understand whether this charge can be defeated, but I suspect HMRC will be approaching this with some prejudice.
Repaying the loans and receiving back the cash in some form is certainly a taxable event.
My opinion therefore is that repaying the loan (5%) will not prevent a tax charge being claimed by HMRC - and to determine that you may need to join a litigation group. Having the money back will certainly trigger a charge.
My opinion is that if Vanquish and its supporters/promoters were in the UK and prepared to stand by their plan with real people and real money and real prospect of success, then they would have more credibility.
In the absence of such pillars, I would recommend extreme caution.
Whether HMRC is correct or not has yet to be determined.
You will know only when either AML's promised litigation happens or another group goes to litigation or you roll over and accept HMRC's version of the truth.
repaying the loans may not avoid the loan charge if HMRC consider that it is part of an avoidance scheme. I suggest that initially at least the arrangement will attract that sort of attention. I'm not au fair enough with the detail to understand whether this charge can be defeated, but I suspect HMRC will be approaching this with some prejudice.
Repaying the loans and receiving back the cash in some form is certainly a taxable event.
My opinion therefore is that repaying the loan (5%) will not prevent a tax charge being claimed by HMRC - and to determine that you may need to join a litigation group. Having the money back will certainly trigger a charge.
My opinion is that if Vanquish and its supporters/promoters were in the UK and prepared to stand by their plan with real people and real money and real prospect of success, then they would have more credibility.
In the absence of such pillars, I would recommend extreme caution.