Tax Topics is hosted by Big Group and is free to join, view and comment.
Whilst we cannot guarantee there are no spies or ringers and that the information is not capable of being shared outside the forum, we do some rudimentary checks and challenges to try and keep it secure and it's certainly not public.
This month we're looking at loan repayments and write offs.
Complicated subjects that will benefit from input and commentary.
As I said, it's free to join and there is no obligation to join Big Group or sign up for anything else. Go to and complete the application and post away!!
Whilst we cannot guarantee there are no spies or ringers and that the information is not capable of being shared outside the forum, we do some rudimentary checks and challenges to try and keep it secure and it's certainly not public.
This month we're looking at loan repayments and write offs.
Complicated subjects that will benefit from input and commentary.
As I said, it's free to join and there is no obligation to join Big Group or sign up for anything else. Go to and complete the application and post away!!