As part of my current company's compliance with all things FCA, its employees have to take annual tests in various areas to prove they are up to date with current legislation. I've just done the Data Protection Awareness test and have moved on to the Financial Crime Awareness test. Imagine my delight when I came across the following text in the Money Laundering section:
"All forms of tax evasion (income tax, vat and corporation tax) and benefit fraud must be reported using the suspicious activity report process (more on this later in the training). Remember however that tax avoidance is the legal use of the tax regime to reduce the amount of tax payable by means that are within the law and therefore do not need to be reported"
Oh how I laughed!
"All forms of tax evasion (income tax, vat and corporation tax) and benefit fraud must be reported using the suspicious activity report process (more on this later in the training). Remember however that tax avoidance is the legal use of the tax regime to reduce the amount of tax payable by means that are within the law and therefore do not need to be reported"
Oh how I laughed!