...than i ever saw before. 'Undreds o't buggers, everyweer. It's like t'bloody tour de france round 'ere. It's been getting busier and busier all the summer weekends but there must be loads that have come for the week judging by tonights scenes.
Well, i'm gonna be out there on Sunday. Anyone else going to watch? According to the schedule, the leaders will be taking 30 minutes from Huddersfield centre to the summit of Holme Moss I suppose it's only when you see the timings translated into local landmarks that you get a sense of the speed these guys are going. I don't think you'd do much better in a car under normal circumstances.
Well, i'm gonna be out there on Sunday. Anyone else going to watch? According to the schedule, the leaders will be taking 30 minutes from Huddersfield centre to the summit of Holme Moss I suppose it's only when you see the timings translated into local landmarks that you get a sense of the speed these guys are going. I don't think you'd do much better in a car under normal circumstances.