Originally posted by ChimpMaster
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In a rising market property works well due to leverage AND because it is illiquid (it's hard to sell a bit of it so people are used to holding it for a long time).
If you apply the same discipline to shares it works as well.
SO - Forget getting rich quick, some tip off a mate etc etc you don't stand a chance.
BUT if you can stay the course keep dripping into a low cost index, I am certain you will do ok, I have been through dotcom, credit crunch, the odd war or 3 and not sold and the overall trend has been upwards and with a bit of compounding it works a treat.
They did a study on a brilliant performing fund in the US, it had done something like 15% a year for 20 years. The average individual investor in it had got 3% !! Entirely due to buying it too high and selling when it dipped big. They can't help themselves, if you can't help yourself, don't invest.
They have done this with kids - you can have a sweet now or 3 in half an hour, its to test delayed gratification. Most kids naturally dive straight in, a small percentage wait - these people make good investors.