Assume everyone on your project will
Hide all issues and Risks
Invent stuff not in the business requirements
Any plans they provide are fabricated poo but will give you a laugh as they walk you through them with you.
Assume funds grow on trees
Put in Holiday request for go live dates
Ask for a rate rise on extensions just to be a PITA
Assume the project will stop if they are not around
Hide things from you and inform you at last minute
Surf the internet all day
Leave a 12 month project after 3 months for £5 an hour more
Have I missed anything.?
Hide all issues and Risks
Invent stuff not in the business requirements
Any plans they provide are fabricated poo but will give you a laugh as they walk you through them with you.
Assume funds grow on trees
Put in Holiday request for go live dates
Ask for a rate rise on extensions just to be a PITA
Assume the project will stop if they are not around
Hide things from you and inform you at last minute
Surf the internet all day
Leave a 12 month project after 3 months for £5 an hour more
Have I missed anything.?