This is a bit of a long one, but wondered if any of you have had anything similar.
Last year I rented a flat for work. I got a demand for council tax which I thought I'd paid - their online system is a bit rubbish and needed a second confirmation to process the payment. Fast forward a few weeks and I got a summons. I called the council and paid the outstanding amount including the costs. Annoying, but I should have checked when I made the payment. I was told that the matter was closed. I notified them on 15th Nov that I was moving out and settled up the account and gave them my home address.
Tonight I have got home and opened the mail that the landlord forwarded me. On the 3rd Dec I was sent a Council Tax Liability Award Notice saying that I had 14 days to pay the outstanding amount. I'm fuming! So they cock up their accounts - I have the transaction listed on my statement to prove I made the payment back in July. I was told that the summons was stopped when the payment was made but obviously they didn't bother to stop it as it did go before the courts. I settled up all outstanding amounts and closed my account weeks before this letter was sent. Then they send this letter to the flat I rented weeks after I'd left although the account was closed with a forwarding address on file.
I've checked and so far there is no showing on my credit record
Last year I rented a flat for work. I got a demand for council tax which I thought I'd paid - their online system is a bit rubbish and needed a second confirmation to process the payment. Fast forward a few weeks and I got a summons. I called the council and paid the outstanding amount including the costs. Annoying, but I should have checked when I made the payment. I was told that the matter was closed. I notified them on 15th Nov that I was moving out and settled up the account and gave them my home address.
Tonight I have got home and opened the mail that the landlord forwarded me. On the 3rd Dec I was sent a Council Tax Liability Award Notice saying that I had 14 days to pay the outstanding amount. I'm fuming! So they cock up their accounts - I have the transaction listed on my statement to prove I made the payment back in July. I was told that the summons was stopped when the payment was made but obviously they didn't bother to stop it as it did go before the courts. I settled up all outstanding amounts and closed my account weeks before this letter was sent. Then they send this letter to the flat I rented weeks after I'd left although the account was closed with a forwarding address on file.
I've checked and so far there is no showing on my credit record