"h) I'm old enough to remember what happened the last time the tories managed to get in when that spiteful old goat rode roughshod over the working classes, anyone who had fallen on hard times, or indeed anyone who got in her way in order to serve her own evil agenda."
But not old enough to remember the clapped out near bankrupt state the country was in before Thatcher took over. Still bitter because your dad lost his job down the state subsidised union controlled pit/steel works/car factory and too blinkered to see how the New Labour miracle economy is based on the solid foundations laid down in those painful years during the 80's.
Presumably if you had your way we would all be driving around in the year 2006 heavilly subsidised version of an Austin Allegro, built from heavily subsidised British Steel and powered by heavilly subsidised british coal.
But not old enough to remember the clapped out near bankrupt state the country was in before Thatcher took over. Still bitter because your dad lost his job down the state subsidised union controlled pit/steel works/car factory and too blinkered to see how the New Labour miracle economy is based on the solid foundations laid down in those painful years during the 80's.
Presumably if you had your way we would all be driving around in the year 2006 heavilly subsidised version of an Austin Allegro, built from heavily subsidised British Steel and powered by heavilly subsidised british coal.