Originally posted by scooterscot
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What bearing does that have on how a permie earning £28k a year will view someone else doing the same type of work, but on £500 per day? The value of the £500 doesn't matter. It's the perception of that £500 that matters.
As usual, it looks like you're shifting the argument.
1. The initial premise was that a post criticising contractors for charging £500 per day would also be popular, especially if that money was coming from the public purse.
2. Your response was "Why would they criticise someone who has worked hard for an education to better themselves and income?".
3. The counter-argument was that they won't care how hard you worked (and they may have worked just as hard and have the same qualifications). What they will see is that you are charging for one day nearly as much as they get for one week.
Hopefully breaking this into bullet points will make it easier to follow, if you don't get confused by the numbers.