Needed an application pronto. So decided to RAD the solution which would normally have taken at least 2 weeks to RAD, six weeks to develop properly.
I set myself one day, a feat I could manage ten years back. I blocked the whining of the GF out, sat back and went for it.
Anyway. I've stopped.
I'm tired, not making the progress I used to, have a bad neck and to be plainly honest I cannot be bothered to code on such a nice day. Im going to enjoy the rest of the weekend.
My god, I obviously have a life.
I set myself one day, a feat I could manage ten years back. I blocked the whining of the GF out, sat back and went for it.
Anyway. I've stopped.
I'm tired, not making the progress I used to, have a bad neck and to be plainly honest I cannot be bothered to code on such a nice day. Im going to enjoy the rest of the weekend.
My god, I obviously have a life.