This thread is nothing to do with butties
We all know that a really good insult is to call someone a 'Malthusian'. We all love it when we hear , in social sciences, that Malthus was some sort of anti human retard, who couldn't find his @rse with both hands and a map.
But what was Malthus on about ? and what's it got to do with Sandwich ?
Well, I was down in Sandwich a couple of months ago, on family business, and I saw this very interesting plaque near the main bridge into town.
This is a list of charges for crossing the toll bridge. a team of oxen for a shilling
Malthus was an alarmist. He saw that food production was growing and he saw that population was growing faster and he concluded that this would lead to famine and disease. What he did not take into account was that technology , organisation and ingenuity would step in to fill the gap.
And this is where the term 'Malthusian' becomes an insult.
It describes a person who sees the problems of tomorrow being attacked by the solutions of today. Solving all your kids problems for them. before they are born.
Solving all your grandkids.....
Assuming, with some massive arrogance that here and now is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Malthus , of course was wrong.
And that brings me on to Sandwich. If you look at that plaque, you will see a charge for taking oxen over the bridge. one and six (7.5p) for 4 or more beasts, a bob (5p) for less.
I found this to be very entertaining. my imagination ran riot. I mean, oxen impies stables, ostlers, sh!te in the street. The smells. Hay . Straw. A whole economy.
A massive economy, to enable the Sandwich toll bridge to collect a bob ot two
and now it's all gone. history. just an interesting old plaque on an old bridge.
and all that oxen economy was just a hundred years ago.
What did they know of mobile phones, computers, home deliveries, sputniks, package holidays
breast implants, fosters, computer games ?
This thread is obviously about Global warming.
We are now told that if we dont destroy our way of life, by trashing all of our fossil fuel energy, we MAY cause problems for our childrens childrens children, in 200 years time.
we have a new set of Malthusians.
We all know that a really good insult is to call someone a 'Malthusian'. We all love it when we hear , in social sciences, that Malthus was some sort of anti human retard, who couldn't find his @rse with both hands and a map.
But what was Malthus on about ? and what's it got to do with Sandwich ?
Well, I was down in Sandwich a couple of months ago, on family business, and I saw this very interesting plaque near the main bridge into town.
This is a list of charges for crossing the toll bridge. a team of oxen for a shilling
Malthus was an alarmist. He saw that food production was growing and he saw that population was growing faster and he concluded that this would lead to famine and disease. What he did not take into account was that technology , organisation and ingenuity would step in to fill the gap.
And this is where the term 'Malthusian' becomes an insult.
It describes a person who sees the problems of tomorrow being attacked by the solutions of today. Solving all your kids problems for them. before they are born.
Solving all your grandkids.....
Assuming, with some massive arrogance that here and now is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Malthus , of course was wrong.
And that brings me on to Sandwich. If you look at that plaque, you will see a charge for taking oxen over the bridge. one and six (7.5p) for 4 or more beasts, a bob (5p) for less.
I found this to be very entertaining. my imagination ran riot. I mean, oxen impies stables, ostlers, sh!te in the street. The smells. Hay . Straw. A whole economy.
A massive economy, to enable the Sandwich toll bridge to collect a bob ot two
and now it's all gone. history. just an interesting old plaque on an old bridge.
and all that oxen economy was just a hundred years ago.
What did they know of mobile phones, computers, home deliveries, sputniks, package holidays
breast implants, fosters, computer games ?
This thread is obviously about Global warming.
We are now told that if we dont destroy our way of life, by trashing all of our fossil fuel energy, we MAY cause problems for our childrens childrens children, in 200 years time.
we have a new set of Malthusians.