A pretty good article
The best response though from a reader .....
Politicians are innately loathsome, and as vile as
Blair may be, there is nobody who thinks we'd be
better off with 'good old Ken Clarke, or that dear
Ming'. We just want rid of Tony because the
hubris and sense of piety have made him even
more repugnant than is the norm for a species
that makes a tapeworm seem desirable.
You go boy .... good stuff
The best response though from a reader .....
Politicians are innately loathsome, and as vile as
Blair may be, there is nobody who thinks we'd be
better off with 'good old Ken Clarke, or that dear
Ming'. We just want rid of Tony because the
hubris and sense of piety have made him even
more repugnant than is the norm for a species
that makes a tapeworm seem desirable.
You go boy .... good stuff