At last ClientCo a permi tester decided to go contracting, secured a gig which was to start in two days.
Told new ClientCo he was in between gigs and therefore available to start immediately. He told his current employer he was ill and therefore on sick leave, managed to wrangle a couple of months salary before they realised. He even went to the trouble of providing sick notes. He only got caught when he contacted a so called 'friend' in the company to ask about any gossip his absence was generating. Unfortunately for him he mentioned his new contract to his 'friend' who then let the cat out of the bag.
What a champion
Told new ClientCo he was in between gigs and therefore available to start immediately. He told his current employer he was ill and therefore on sick leave, managed to wrangle a couple of months salary before they realised. He even went to the trouble of providing sick notes. He only got caught when he contacted a so called 'friend' in the company to ask about any gossip his absence was generating. Unfortunately for him he mentioned his new contract to his 'friend' who then let the cat out of the bag.
What a champion