Assume that's tongue in cheek. Lefties do sometime have a sense of humour, honest! Unfortunately, those who never check facts will still take it seriously and parrot it for years to come.
Otherwise as daft as an article can get. One gold medal winner really cancels out the cost of approx. 43000 Somalis on welfare, 85000 in social housing and 150+ in prison doesn't it? (Figures few years out of date, will be higher now)
PS He is right about cyclists though! Bloody nuisances! Adoph ( or Clarkson) would know how to deal with them!
PPS Seem to recall (though can't be a*ed to check figures) that at the last election the Tories made a better job of recruiting women & minority candidates than other parties too.
Otherwise as daft as an article can get. One gold medal winner really cancels out the cost of approx. 43000 Somalis on welfare, 85000 in social housing and 150+ in prison doesn't it? (Figures few years out of date, will be higher now)
PS He is right about cyclists though! Bloody nuisances! Adoph ( or Clarkson) would know how to deal with them!
PPS Seem to recall (though can't be a*ed to check figures) that at the last election the Tories made a better job of recruiting women & minority candidates than other parties too.